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homeschooling tips

Summer Plans Part 1: Dream Lists

Summer happens.  Days pass, one by one.   Some are memorable and enjoyable.  Some are boring.  And then, suddenly, it’s all over for another year, and all we’re left with are memories. We want those memories to be happy, so every year our family plans the summer. The first step is to brainstorm our dreams.  It’s […]

Review: Comprehensive Record Solution by Lee Binz

Occasionally I hear of well-qualified homeschool graduates not being accepted into universities because their records were not clear and convincing.  And I hear of parents who quit homeschooling for fear of this, or who are too overwhelmed by it all to continue. These things don’t need to happen. You can keep on homeschooling, and your […]

Preview: Comprehensive Record Solution

Wow, I’m so excited!  Last week I received The HomeScholar’s Comprehensive Record Solution and it looks absolutely great. The Comprehensive Record Solution is a program to help homeschooling parents prepare the necessary documentation for college admissions and scholarships.  Record keeping is intimidating to many of us homeschooling moms, especially when we realize that our teen’s […]

Review: Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe

Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe: Learning to Live the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth by Todd Wilson is a lighthearted but passionate look at a serious subject.   This book is dedicated “to the homeschooling mom who often feels overwhelmed by the task of homeschooling and struggles with feelings of failure.” I suppose […]

How We Study Dutch

I speak Dutch, my husband understands it somewhat, and our children are learning it in a very casual but effective way, mostly through stories and songs.  To increase vocabulary and improve speaking skills, the children also use Rosetta Stone, a program that effectively reviews many simple words and concepts, but the real meat of our learning […]