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Free Virtual Field Trips

For some of us, being at home is not a big deal—some of us even prefer it. If, however, you and your kids are used to being out and about, being at home can be a difficult thing to manage cheerfully. However you and your family react to the home-based life, a field trip is […]

Mostly Canticles by George van Popta

After being rescued from grave danger, David sang, “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” (Ps 34:3)  Throughout the Bible we are encouraged to praise God in times of joy, trust, confusion, understanding, sadness, and despair.  We pray while we sing and sing while we pray and, obviously, the words that […]

Celebrating Ascension Day

Tomorrow is Ascension Day, the day we celebrate that Jesus went to heaven. But why is that a cause for celebration? Why is it good that Jesus went to heaven? First of all, of course, he is interceding for us at God’s right hand.  (Romans 8:34) And, amazing thought, he is busy preparing a place […]

Thank the Lord and Come with Praise

Occasionally something one has worked on for months suddenly and unexpectedly comes together.  I’ve been thinking deeply about Christian education, its ‘why’ and ‘how’ and ‘what’, and things are finally making sense to me, just in time to discuss them with others at a conference. Full of relief and grateful joy, I can’t help but sing this adaptation […]

Glory to God

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!  (Luke 2:13,14) This, the greatest song ever sung on earth, has been dreamt about for millennia, and here are three human […]