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science and math reading

Review: God in the Lab by Ruth Bancewicz

Is science compatible with religion?  Most of the major scientists of the past would say it is, and Ruth Bancewicz agrees.  In her book God in the Lab: How Science Enhances Faith she explores the question of what modern science means for Christians and how Christianity affects day to day scientific work.  Her conclusion, that […]

Review: Busting Myths by Sarfati and Bates

Nowadays one regularly comes across the true statement, “Science is compatible with religion.”  Unfortunately it is often followed by the myth, “No reputable scientist believes in a literal six-day creation.” Busting Myths by Sarfati and Bates aims to refute this idea by presenting interviews with Ph.D. holders in various fields of science.  This book highlights […]

Review: Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey

  Few books have been recommended to me as highly as Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey.  This book about Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity more than lives up to its reputation. I suppose the whole premise of Total Truth is summed up in this thought:  “Redemption is not just about being saved from sin, […]

Review: True Reason by Gilson and Weitnauer

Atheists sometimes claim that they represent reason and that Christianity is anti-intellectual and inherently unreasonable.  True Reason, a collection of 18 essays, discusses this idea and meets atheists’ arguments head on…if they have presented arguments that can be reasoned with; otherwise True Reason points out their lack of logic and careful thought. Sometimes deep, sometimes […]

Reading about Math and Science

Years ago we started the practice of reading books about science and math as an ‘official’ part of our homeschool (i.e. something I make sure happens).  We read not only our carefully chosen textbooks, but also biographies, picture books, explanations of concepts, and deep discussions.  Why?  Because, while science and math textbooks are indispensable, especially […]