Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

One Month ‘Blogiversary’


When starting my blog a month ago, I had no idea what it would be like.  It’s been absolutely wonderful!  I have

-met lots of great people online,

-learned a so much about so many topics from other bloggers,

-learned a lot from writing my own posts

-learned about blogging itself—and actually cut and pasted a bit

           of HTML code all by myself (!)

-started writing again

-and, hopefully, have encouraged others in some small way.


May God bless you all and give you a lovely weekend.  See you on Tuesday for another Tea Time with Annie Kate!



  1. Anonymous says:

    I just found this blog and I will make it a priority to come a lot!! I REALLY like it!


  2. AnnieKate says:

    I am so glad you like it!


    Annie Kate

  3. proverbsmama says:

    Annie Kate, I have to say that I am blessed to "know" you through your blog. Since we are on dial-up, our computer is very slow. There are many blogs that I can't visit because they are filled with so many pictures. I simply don't have time to let them load. I appreciate your blog because it is filled with wonderful info and it doesn't take forever to load!

    Also, if you need help with codes for your side bar, let me know. I had others walk me through adding them. Now I can usually do them with no problem.

    Edited by proverbsmama on May. 10, 2009 at 6:16 AM

  4. proverbsmama says:

    I hope you have a wonderful week.

    Ours started out with a "wrench" in it. Dh was supposed to leave to do a job in KY. The forecast is not good for painting outside, so he is postponing it. We *really* need the money, but realize that it's not wise to try to letter a building in the rain.

    DD was supposed to have a slumber party tomorrow while he is gone. Unfortunately, we will be canceling that for now.

    I'm getting some range of motion back in my finger, but it is still very tight from the middle knuckle back to where the finger connects to the hand.

  5. 2boysmom says:

    Happy blogaversary!

  6. Bahamahomeschooler says:

    for stopping by my blog.

    For planning on your own….I did that for 2 years (the last 2) and decided that was it…I just don't have the time to plan for school and actually teach it with a good attitude. I love Sonlight for all of your History and Literature, but use First language Lessons and Writing with Ease for Language Arts, I still pull from different areas. I will be posting our summer plans this week. Stop by and check it out

    Heidi Jo

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