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NaNoWriMo: Novel Writing for Kids (and Adults)

This Friday, all around the world, the writing frenzy of NaNoWriMo begins again.  During NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, thousands of people world-wide challenge themselves to write a novel.  Yes, a complete novel in a month—an unedited novel, mind you, but a novel none the less. My kids have participated in the Young Writer Program […]

The NaNoWriMo Books are Here!

Well, here they are:  the books that the girls wrote for NaNoWriMo! Actually writing a novel was a big deal.  Getting copies of the book is an even bigger deal.  (The fact that they are free to NaNo winners is cool, too.) I got autographed copies and I’m one proud and thankful Mama! The girls tell […]

NaNoWriMo and Other Writing Inspiration

Our children spent the month of November writing madly for NaNoWriMo, a writing event in which you are considered a winner if you meet your word count goal. Miss 11 (3000 words) and Miss 9 (1500 words) both exceeded their word count goals.  On her blog, Miss 14 points out that she did not achieve […]

NaNoWriMo: Novel Writing for Kids (and Adults)

How does the idea of getting your children to write a novel in a month sound to you?  Incredible?  Well, it might be, but last year 35,000 kids were involved in NaNoWriMo’s Young Writers Program.  NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Last year Miss 17 and Miss 12 participated.  For the entire month of November they […]

Extracurricular Homeschooling Tips from Three Moms

Last week our youngest got her driver’s licence! We are all very excited. Thinking about this enormous milestone in her life—and in ours—I realized that this is yet another example of vital non-academic learning. There are so many amazing opportunities in life and as homeschoolers we can really take advantage of them. Recently Betsy, Tricia, […]