Every spring in downtown Ottawa a very special event takes place, the Weston Lecture. These lectures are examples of top level scholarship from a Christian point of view. Professors and scholars who love the Lord share their expertise on how Christianity impacts their disciplines. Often it seems that a lifetime of thought is distilled in […]
Field Trip
Special Exhibitions in Ottawa, 2020
Over the years we have seen some amazing things at special exhibitions, from the Dead Sea Scrolls and one of the earliest copies of the Magna Charta to the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci and paintings by Van Gogh. However, we almost missed several of these special exhibitions because it’s hard to keep track of […]
Butterflies at the Canadian Museum of Nature

We when walked into the butterfly exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Nature we were immediately surrounded by enormous blue butterflies. They and others fluttered busily around and between us, fragile miracles heedless of danger. Brilliantly colored, they were everywhere, feeding on fruit, resting on greenery or windowsills, terrifying babies with their enormous size […]
Medieval Europe: Power and Splendor
Those two words, ‘medieval Europe’, conjure up images of splendor and power, knights and castles, monasteries and missionaries, plague and privation. Recently, however, when we visited the Medieval Europe Exhibition at the Canadian Museum of History, I came away with a completely different feeling. Among the armour, jewellery, tapestry, and everyday utensils, many artifacts pointed […]