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High School

4 Reasons our Kids Should Learn Handwriting

In this day of computers and smartphones, should we still teach our kids handwriting? Or can we just type or tap on our devices? This question comes up regularly, and the answer has not changed even though society has. Handwriting—or at least printing—is absolutely necessary even in modern life. We no longer need to focus […]

Our Summer So Far

The first month of summer has drifted by like a river, unstoppable. Most days I was out in the garden first thing in the morning, the time I used to use for writing, and on the days I didn’t garden, I went for a walk. So instead of writing, I breathed in fresh air, wrestled […]

Review: The Ripple Effect by Greg Wells

In The Ripple Effect, Greg Wells suggests that when we sleep better, we eat better. When we eat and sleep better, we move better. When we move better, we sleep better and we think better. When we think better, we sleep, eat, and move better. And often it takes only a 1% improvement in any […]

Review: How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff

Everywhere we go, we are presented with statistics about things to buy, things to do, the economy, politics, health issues, polls, wages, and more. But sometimes these statistics contradict each other, and what then? This famous little book by Darrell Huff is a humorous explanation of the ways truth is misrepresented with statistics….. … All […]

Medieval Europe: Power and Splendor

Those two words, ‘medieval Europe’, conjure up images of splendor and power, knights and castles, monasteries and missionaries, plague and privation. Recently, however, when we visited the Medieval Europe Exhibition at the Canadian Museum of History, I came away with a completely different feeling.  Among the armour, jewellery, tapestry, and everyday utensils, many artifacts pointed […]