Well, last week was our annual reading week. We took hundreds of books out of the library, read many of them, and also really exercised our right to start a book and then decide it wasn’t for us. It was a wonderful adventure, one that we look forward to every year. We would have spent […]
Homeschool Highlights
Weekly Wrap-Up: Mostly Writing
Miss 12 started her NaNoWriMo novel on Monday. She writes a few hours a day, with a Huguenot history book on her lap. Occasionally she makes forays onto Wikipedia to learn more about French geography and history. When she found the NaNoWriMo word count goals for different grades she was shocked to see that her […]
Homeschooling Success…Despite Distractions
Well, we had another week of distractions like Thanksgiving, harvesting, preserving, cleaning up the garden, and more, but we had some major homeschooling breakthroughs despite that. Miss 8 can read! She whizzes through the instructions in her workbook, hardly stumbles in her reader, picks up easy reader books for fun, and comments on what I’m […]