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Homeschool Highlights

Homeschool Highlights: Vacation

Our homeschool highlight this week was … vacation! What did we learn, besides the inevitable education that happens when you put 7 people in a small, warm space?  Yes, there was air conditioning, but it was still warm. Well, we learned that -gibbons (monkeys) have strong territorial instincts.  We heard different families howling at each other, with long wails, […]

Homeschool Highlights (Snake, Planning to Finish)

This week was HOT and HUMID.  We planted part of the garden.  We used the pool. We went to play soccer. And the three oldest worked at their part-time jobs. And… they saw a snake, a real snake as opposed to the garter and ribbon snakes we usually see.  It’s most likely an Eastern Fox […]

Homeschool Highlights (Magnets and Catching Up)

We had a very busy school week, mostly because we hadn’t finished last week’s work.   However, since we stayed home most of the week we had a lot of time to work.  That was good and restful, especially since I was busy trying to understand the new HS Blogger system. Miss 7 worked on this […]

Homeschool Highlights (Less School, More Life)

  We had a busy, busy week involving a lot of running around:  visiting our old dog at her new home, taking Miss 17 for a driver’s test, preparing for Mr 14’s camp out, taking Miss 12 to a math exam, having Miss 12 and Miss 9 down with a flu, checking out a new […]

This Week’s Homeschool Highlights (Book Sale and MathScore)

  We had full week.  On Monday we had company, and did very little schoolwork.  We even enjoyed the first campfire of the year and roasted marshmallows.   On Tuesday it snowed, and the Little Misses played outside a lot.  In fact, they made a snowman before breakfast!  By noon they had broken it up and […]