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Homeschool Highlights

You Stole My Mommy!

I was doing French on the couch with Miss 14 when Miss 11 bounded down the stairs with her logic and grammar books, ready to work with me.  She took one look at us and said with a smile in her voice, “You stole my Mommy!” We all laughed at the cheerful accusation. And that’s […]

Reading Week

“I hate school,” said Miss 11 earlier this fall.  “I never have any time to read anymore.  All I can manage is one book a day!”  We laughed about it with our librarian and now we’re laughing again, for a different reason:  this week she’ll be able to read as much as she can. One […]

Real Life Learning: Insects and Harvests

We had no time for bookwork this afternoon.  Instead, we harvested.  The children picked two wheelbarrows of tomatoes, all the red and orange ones in our patch.  Then they discovered a tomato hornworm.  It is huge and oh, so beautiful.  I tried to feed it a tomato leaf, but didn’t realize that the horn was at the […]

Medieval Cookery: Browning Chicken and Making Soft Cheese

What did medieval people eat…before tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, and microwaves?  Most people had very little food, but when times were good, meals were great. Browning chicken for a stew:  These iron pots, on tripods over a trench fire, were greased by cooking bacon.  The bacon itself was removed from the pot, put onto a […]

Just One of Those Days

While listening to the Little Misses narrate about pterodactyls, I started dozing.  So I scooted them off to write about these amazing fliers in their science notebooks, while I enjoyed a quick cat nap.  When I woke up, I sleepily realized just how blessed we are to homeschool: Miss 13 and Mr. 16 were at the computer, discussing […]