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Homeschool Tips

Homeschooling Checklists: Pros, Cautions, and Special Situations

I love homeschooling checklists but have learned over the years that they have their negative aspects as well.  One must be cautious using them, especially in certain situations. Benefits of Homeschooling Checklists Homeschooling checklists have kept us on track for years.  I’d plan the year out far in advance, dividing the planned schoolwork up by […]

Considering Passion and Career Choices

We homeschooling moms are our teens’ guidance counsellors.  I find that a bit nerve wracking, and I’m sure you do, too.  Helping our teens plan their future is so important but is so full of unknowns.  Now, there are some good, balanced resources out there (see my reviews below for a few of them).  There […]

Special Exhibitions in Ottawa, 2020

Over the years we have seen some amazing things at special exhibitions, from the Dead Sea Scrolls and one of the earliest copies of the Magna Charta to the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci and paintings by Van Gogh. However, we almost missed several of these special exhibitions because it’s hard to keep track of […]

Picture Books in the Homeschool

Picture books form the foundation of most homeschools. They are fun, build memories, teach a wide variety of concepts, and can fill a child’s mind with so much that is true, good, and beautiful. Recently my homeschooling friends at the Curriculum Choice put together a list of their favorite picture book blog posts. Here are […]

4 Reasons our Kids Should Learn Handwriting

In this day of computers and smartphones, should we still teach our kids handwriting? Or can we just type or tap on our devices? This question comes up regularly, and the answer has not changed even though society has. Handwriting—or at least printing—is absolutely necessary even in modern life. We no longer need to focus […]