Recently I was mailed a free issue of Chatelaine, a mainline Canadian women’s magazine. Rather than immediately throwing it out, I paged through it and discovered, once again, why I don’t read such magazines. Besides the general silliness, ungodly attitudes, and shallowness, I found the stupidest advice I’d ever read. Here’s Chatelaine’s advice to a […]
Pro-Life: Resource Links and Ottawa March
On Thursday, well over 20,000 people of all ages filled Parliament Hill in Ottawa to march in support of life and to protest female gendercide which occurs in Canada as well as throughout the world. As homeschoolers, we are privileged to make political activity part of our learning. Our children are part of the protest […]
International Day of Prayer for Syrian Church, May 11
An International Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Syrian Church will be held on Saturday, May 11th, 2013. Syrian churches from all denominations will be unified in seeking God for mercy on their country. They are asking Christians worldwide to join them by praying for divine protection of the Church in Syria. In a […]