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One Rule for a Neat Home

After you’ve done a major house cleaning, things don’t have to fall apart immediately.  And they won’t if you follow one simple rule. All the home making experts and books, from Fly Lady and The Messies Manual to Confessions of an Organized Homemaker and Organized Simplicity say the same thing: Put things where they belong, […]


We had rain overnight!  And there’s more in the forecast for today.  What a blessing! It was so dry that now the air is full of the scent of wet straw and damp dead grass rather than of green growing things.  I hope the neighbor’s grain crops are not a total disaster, but his corn […]

The NaNoWriMo Books are Here!

Well, here they are:  the books that the girls wrote for NaNoWriMo! Actually writing a novel was a big deal.  Getting copies of the book is an even bigger deal.  (The fact that they are free to NaNo winners is cool, too.) I got autographed copies and I’m one proud and thankful Mama! The girls tell […]

A Wonderful Picnic, with Thanks to the Lady in Purple

Last night, as the RCMP Sunset Ceremonies were just ending (more about that on Monday) a lady in a purple jacket tapped me on the shoulder. “I can see you’re a good mom,” she said. I felt startled and must have looked confused. “I saw that picnic your kids were eating, and it was great. […]

Five Tips for Weeds in your Garden and Life

Weeds.  If you garden, they are everywhere. If you’re a Christian gardener, you also become aware of the weeds of sin. Here are five tips (and two bonuses) for eliminating physical weeds.  The applications to spiritual gardening in our own and our children’s lives are endless.    Get them while they’re still small.  Not only is […]