For some reason, I gravitate toward books about farming. While our family does not farm, we do have huge gardens, bees, chickens, fruit trees, and nut trees—just enough to feed our family and to share. That’s probably why I like to read about people who work hard and make a living of some sort from […]
Watch Children are a Blessing for Free Online
Children are a blessing. That fundamental understanding permeates the entire Bible. A different message permeates our culture: children are an indulgence, an experience, a hobby. Ultimately they are a burden, getting in the way of finances, careers, fitness, and convenience. And often, Christians have been deceived as well. Children are a Blessing, a half-hour documentary, […]
The Serenity Prayer Made Practical
One of the problems with life in this sinful world is that sad things happen. Bad things happen. Frustrating things and inexplicable, heartrending things do, too. Yet we are commanded to rejoice always, to give thanks in (and for) all circumstances. We are called to encourage ourselves during hard times as David did and to […]
An Attack on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech–Please Pray
Some potentially dangerous legislation will be debated in Alberta this week. Your prayers are urgently requested. Proposed legislation in Alberta will require parents and teachers to “honour and respect” the controversial Alberta Human Rights Act that has been used to target Christians and conservatives. In other words, parents and teachers could be held liable for […]