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How to Have More Good Homeschooling Days

Last night I stayed up past 10, which was great then.  But it’s not so great today.   I was even yawning during a trip to the woodlot with my husband to get another load of firewood!  Imagine how inspiring I was during homeschool lessons.  Poor kids. Elizabeth Elliot once wrote that to get up early […]

Ten (Plus Two) Skills to Help You Save Money

As I was thinking about my week, I realized that many of the everyday things I do have saved our family huge amounts of money.  My sisters and some friends do many of them, and I’m teaching them to my children, too.  However, a lot of people don’t seem to know how rewarding these skills can […]

What Love Is

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.   And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 1 John 3:16 May you have a blessed Valentine’s Day.

Winter Sleep

In the winter, our whole family seems to need more sleep.  We go to bed earlier, get up later, and repeat.  Daily.  And yearly. Now, I know we’re not the only ones.  In fact, I’ve heard that this is a normal physiological response to winter.  I’m so thankful that we can just rest as we […]

Komen for the Cure and Planned Parenthood

This week’s decision by Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a major breast cancer organization, to defund Planned Parenthood, a major abortion provider, has predictably caused a furor in the media. Although this action was apparently taken because Komen refuses to support any organization that is under investigation , it makes sense from another point […]