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Inspiration for Valentine’s Day

I’ve been on Tawra and Jill’s Living on a Dime mailing list for years, and I want to tell you about the best post they have ever sent out.  It’s called “When Queens Ride By” and discusses a woman of nearly a century ago, overwhelmed by the same things many of us struggle with, who made a breakthrough discovery. This […]


Well, although we did not get as much snow as some people, we now have enough for me to try out my snowshoes. I got them from my parents for my birthday, a  surprising and wonderful gift.  They are not heavy at all, and even in the fluffy snow we got from yesterday’s storm, they […]

Finally, a Winter Storm!

WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT   It looks as though this little weather  icon from the  Environment Canada forecast may come true for us.  All winter, our weather has been blissfully boring.  Now we could be in for our first storm, complete with cancellations and coziness.  I sympathize with those who’ve had their fill of […]

A Prayer for the New Year

“May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and […]

Lessons from our Involuntary Blogging Holiday

 Wow, HomeSchool Blogger is back up!  It?s been a few long days of wondering and worrying?and doing many other things.  God has given all us HSB members an involuntary blogging holiday, and I, for one, have benefitted from it. This was a very busy run-around week, and each day I was out for at least […]