We almost did not do apples this year, but the children were upset with that idea. So yesterday we bought seven (!!) bushels of windfall apples at a local orchard and set to work. One person washed and disinfected the apples with a bleach solution (they had been on the ground, remember), and then […]
My Only Comfort
In 1563 two young men, at the request of Elector Frederick III and with the advice of the entire theological faculty of the local university, wrote one of the simplest, most profound, and most comforting passages to come out of the great reformation. Here it is, Question and Answer 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Q. […]
Two Reasons to Organize Mama
Whether our homeschool style is structured or free-flowing (and this has varied by month, by year and by subject area), we have discovered that the most learning happens when I am organized. When mom knows what she is doing, and why, and where, and when, and how, everything else follows so much more smoothly. […]