We used to have a large strawberry garden, but it was continually over run by weeds so we gave it to our chickens. Two of the children-our 6yo and our 8yo- transplanted many of the plants to a new, smaller location and have been caring for them. Even after the trauma of being transplanted, […]
Prayer for our Countries
Happy Independence Day to all of you down South! Although we all have issues with the things our governments are doing, let us remember to pray for our nation and its rulers. “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those […]
Canada Day
Yesterday we celebrated Canada Day. Some of the children wore red and white clothes and made a red and white construction paper chain to decorate the dining room. We ate all the red currants we could find on our newly transplanted bushes. Our village celebration featured miniature pony rides for the little […]
Volunteer Work: Therapeutic Riding
For several years, our children have volunteered with a therapeutic riding program. Volunteering is, of course, important for a young person for several reasons -it provides a meaningful, out of the home, opportunity to serve -it often allows constructive interaction with mentors in various fields -it often involves learning new skills -it introduces […]