Homeschooling is, when you get down to it, all about learning. That is one of the reasons I picked up Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning—I needed to understand how to make learning work better in our homeschool. Now I am recommending it to everyone. Based on research, this book is full of […]
older teens and adults
For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)
Under the Butternut Trees
I spent much of my blogging break working busily ‘as unto the Lord’ in the kitchen, the garden, the car, and elsewhere, but some of the best hours were spent under our butternut trees. It was my favorite spot this summer, a place of open-eyed prayer, read alouds, chats, and much-needed rest. It was a summer […]
Thoughts on Finding God in the Hard Times by Matt and Beth Redman
We all face hard times sooner or later, and they can seem unbearable and never-ending. One of the crucial questions we face then is, “Can we still praise God when life is hard?” “Yes!” exclaim Matt and Beth Redman who wrote the song “Blessed Be Your Name.” With numerous references to the Psalms of lament, […]
Review: Introduction to Psychology from a Christian Perspective by Vicki Tillman
Many teens are interested in psychology, but most psychology texts are written from a non-Christian or anti-Christian point of view. On the other hand, Christian psychology courses, such as Sonlight’s AP course, are available for homeschools but are too difficult for many teens. In her Introduction to Psychology from a Christian Perspective, Vicki Tillman, M.A., […]
Review: Living Forward by Hyatt and Harkavy
Sometimes we just drift through life, responding to daily urgencies without any clear sense of where we are going. Of course, there are seasons when this is necessary. When there is a new baby, when someone is seriously ill, when a loved one temporarily becomes over-busy, during a move, or during other demanding situations, our goal […]