When we look around at the world and the church, there’s so much work to be done. Sometimes it’s overwhelming, yet we so eagerly want to contribute. When Christina Rossetti felt this way she wrote “Send Me”. Use me, God, in Thy great harvest field, Which stretcheth far and wide like a wide sea; The […]
older teens and adults
For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)
Recommendation: The BBC Historical Farm Series
Now that the weather is getting colder and there’s an end in sight to tomatoes and cabbages decorating our house, my thoughts turn to the hands-on history of the BBC series, Edwardian Farm, Victorian Farm, and Wartime Farm. We watched them several years ago, and since then the girls have been re-watching them through illnesses, concussions, […]
Review: God Did Say! by Wes Bredenhof
Thousands of years ago some of the most fateful words in the history of the universe were spoken. “Did God really say….?” Ever since then, these words have been repeated in conversations, public debates, pulpits, and our own hearts. We need to know when to answer, “No, he did not say that,” and when to proclaim, […]