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older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: The Fallacy Detective by the Bluedorns

  Every year when I ask my husband what should be a priority for our homeschool, he mentions logic, so the children study logic from about age 11 and on. Some years it’s a great learning experience, and some years it’s fun. When we study The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn, it’s both. […]

Review: A Simpler Season by Jessica Fisher

As wonderful as the upcoming festive season is, no one will deny that it can be stressful.  Guests, food, parties, gifts, and activities often compete with what we really want to be celebrating.  And that’s a problem.  But it is possible to celebrate sanely, and Jessica Fisher, homeschooling mom of six, author, and blogger, helps […]

A Homeschooler Thinks about ‘The Power of Habit’ by Charles Duhigg

Habits run our lives.  Charlotte Mason recognized that almost a century ago, and nowadays scientists are studying what habits actually are. In The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg discusses why we do the things we do as well as how to understand and change our habits.  As a homeschooling mom, I believe habit training is […]

Review: Israel at War by Joel C. Rosenberg

Israel at War: Inside the Nuclear Showdown with Iran provides a well-documented summary of the Israel-Iran conflict, often hidden, that threatens to erupt into war.  Since one of Iran’s top goals is to destroy Israel and Israel’s major goal is survival, there is obviously serious conflict. While Iran’s rhetoric is so radical that it seems […]

Review: All Things New by Lynn Austin

God will make all things new, we are promised in Revelation 21.  Then the newness will be amazing and blissful, but here and now on this earth, suffering is often involved when things change. Josephine, having survived the Civil War with her mother and her sister, discovered this fact as she moved back to her […]