In the last few decades, and especially since 9/11, the Muslim world has seemed both invincible and dangerous, not only to the West but even more to Christians. Miraculous Movements is a compelling and heartening reminder that God is in control. Rather than living in dread of persecution by their neighbors and countrymen, Christians are […]
older teens and adults
For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)
Review: The Best Things in Life by Peter Kreeft
The Best Things in Life. What are they? Peter Kreeft tackles that question in his book, subtitled: A Contemporary Socrates Looks at Power, Pleasure, Truth, and the Good Life. In twelve dialogues, ‘Socrates’ discusses contemporary life, combining his traditional method of questioning with kindness, humor, and careful logic. These conversations, which take place at […]
Review: Love in Disguise by Carol Cox
Here’s a book I’ve been telling people about because it’s just so much fun. Ellie, unexpectedly without a job, convinces Pinkerton Detective Agency to hire her to solve a silver theft mystery. Although she has absolutely no sleuthing experience, her acting skills convince them, and off she goes to a mining town in far-away […]