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Review: Geography Songs

You know how, in secret societies, people recognize each other by a sign, a gesture, or a word?  Well, that’s how I used to feel about Geography Songs. You’d just have to start, “North A-MER-i-ca,” and any homeschooler nearby would join in, “South A-MER-i-ca!” That’s how we could tell who homeschooled. I haven’t heard much […]

Review: O Canada! Historical Narratives and Biographies that Tell Her Story by Karla Aikins

While Canadians have access to many historical narratives about our great country, these resources are not generally available in the United States.  Apparently Americans typically learn very little about the colorful history of their northern neighbor.  O Canada! seeks to remedy that.  Subtitled Historical Narratives and Biographies that Tell Her Story, this book is full […]

Review: The Escape: The Adventures of Three Hugenot Children Fleeing Persecution

John’s father, a Huguenot in southern France, was arrested by Father Francis and sentenced to the galleys for life.  A few years later the same priest snatched away John’s little sister Manette and sent her to Paris.  John’s mother died of grief, and not much later Father Francis let it be known that he was […]

NaNoWriMo and Other Writing Inspiration

Our children spent the month of November writing madly for NaNoWriMo, a writing event in which you are considered a winner if you meet your word count goal. Miss 11 (3000 words) and Miss 9 (1500 words) both exceeded their word count goals.  On her blog, Miss 14 points out that she did not achieve […]

Review: Summer on Ross Farm, a DVD

What was life like for pioneers in the 1800’s?  While reading can tell us a lot, families can learn even more by watching Summer at Ross Farm, a video of Nova Scotia’s Living Museum of Agriculture. This DVD is a feast for the eye as well as the imagination. Summer was a time to prepare food […]