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encouraging mom

Thoughts on Finding God in the Hard Times by Matt and Beth Redman

We all face hard times sooner or later, and they can seem unbearable and never-ending. One of the crucial questions we face then is, “Can we still praise God when life is hard?” “Yes!” exclaim Matt and Beth Redman who wrote the song “Blessed Be Your Name.” With numerous references to the Psalms of lament, […]

Giving Thanks Every Day

  There is so much to be thankful for, isn’t there?  We all have adequate food, clothing, shelter, and so much more.  Compared to much of the world’s population, both now and throughout history, we are incredibly blessed with ‘ordinary’ gifts. But sometimes we are not even aware of these gifts.  Sometimes we actually do […]

Review: Living Forward by Hyatt and Harkavy

Sometimes we just drift through life, responding to daily urgencies without any clear sense of where we are going.  Of course, there are seasons when this is necessary.  When there is a new baby, when someone is seriously ill, when a loved one temporarily becomes over-busy, during a move, or during other demanding situations, our goal […]

Considering a Mother’s Priorities

We mothers are called by God to love our husbands and children, be self-controlled and pure, be busy at home, be kind, and be subject to our husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God because of us. (Titus 2:3-5) That last line shows the incredible importance of our calling, for by […]

A Dieu, My Dear Friends, For at Least a Few Months

Dear Friends, Because of health issues and increasing family responsibilities, I need to say goodbye to you for several months.  This makes me very sad, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that I currently have neither the time nor energy to write. For the past decade I have experienced significant fatigue.  It built up slowly, […]