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encouraging mom

Review: Schoolproof by Mary Pride

This little gem, over a quarter century old, fell into my hands many years ago and shaped my idea of what homeschooling can and should be.  I have just read it again and have, once again, come to the same conclusion:  This is one of the few books that every Christian homeschooler should read. Although […]

God Works Through Who We Are and How We Live

Each of the talks I attended at our homeschooling conference this year had the same message:  You can only pass on to your children what is already an integral part of you.  If you talk about something you don’t believe or do, they will not listen to what you say. Or, as keynote speaker Steve […]

Homeschooling Methods and Content Based Learning, Part 2

One of our duties as homeschooling parents is to teach our children the knowledge base common to our culture to equip them to participate effectively in its conversations.  In Part 1 of Homeschooling Methods and Content Based Learning, I discussed this concept, what it means in everyday life, and how homeschooling methods can affect how […]

Homeschooling Methods and Content Based Learning, Part 1

Imagine trying to follow any significant modern conversation, whether in person, online, or in print, without sharing a common knowledge base.  Imagine how lost you would often feel if you did not know anything at all about fairy tales, the Civil War, John F. Kennedy, the cell, Queen Victoria, Greek mythology, E=mc2, Buddhism, apartheid, the […]

When Mom is Seriously Ill—Couch Schooling Attitudes

Two times in my life I’ve had a major health scare.  Eight years ago, a preliminary diagnosis gave me just a few months to live.  The second time was also a false alarm but it stopped me in my tracks none-the-less.  And that is why this article, which was meant to be a practical discussion […]