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encouraging mom

Homeschool ‘Mommy Marks’ and Universities #2

Two years ago we got the surprise of our lives when my son received a top marks-based scholarship from a university that says it accepts neither ‘mommy marks’ nor SAT scores. Two weeks ago, the same thing happened to my daughter!  Needless to say, we are thrilled and exceedingly grateful.  God has blessed her studies […]

Finding Joy in Another Clean Window

We’re spring cleaning around here, a little bit at a time.  A few hours after Miss 14 and I finished this window area, the sun shone in and made the plants glow. That sunshine brought joy, but it wouldn’t have if we had not stopped to see it, pay attention to it, and be thankful for it.  Perhaps […]

Enjoy Your Homeschool Conference

Tomorrow is our annual homeschooling conference and for the first time in years I will not be able to attend.  Sometimes life seriously gets in the way, and it’s best if we learn to accept that cheerfully and not complain about what God has put in our path. But–and this is a big ‘but’–if you can make […]

Review: More than Just the Talk by Jonathan McKee

I just finished a book that made me so uncomfortable I didn’t want other people to see me reading it.  Usually feeling that way is a warning that something bad is going on, but in this case I think it was a good thing.   You see, I was learning about how parents can counter the […]

Review: Too Many to Jail by Mark Bradley

  Despite intense opposition and persecution, more and more Iranian Muslims are turning to Christ all the time.  Some say Iran has the fastest growing church in the world.  In fact, one pastor’s wife was told during interrogation, “If we arrested people for religious reasons, there would be no room in the prisons.” Mark Bradley’s […]