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encouraging mom

Review: The Financially Confident Woman

Mary Hunt, formerly a slave to credit and spending, now helps other women deal wisely with money.  In The Financially Confident Woman:  What You Need to Know to Take Charge of Your Money she helps women come to grips with the basics of personal finance. However, when Mary was young she’knew’ a few things about […]

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

This weekend I will celebrate my fiftieth birthday!  I want to thank God publicly for the miracle that made this possible. Of course, every new day is a miracle for everyone. But I experience this is a deeper way than most.  You see, many years ago, when I was very ill, I received a preliminary […]

And I Get to Share That!

(These thoughts felt too personal to publish, but my husband said they would help some of you.  So, dear readers, here they are, with a prayer that God may bless you through them.) It was almost 8 PM.  Miles and miles away, Bible study was beginning but this season, due to logistics and health issues, […]

Your Local Public Library

 After the Bible, the library is probably the most valuable resource we homeschoolers have access to, and it amazes me that some people homeschool without it.  Even those of us who use it regularly often do not take full advantage of its many resources. In fact, even though our family uses the library so faithfully […]

Numbering Our Days in the New Year

Happy New Year!  May God bless you and your family in all you do, and fill you with gratitude, wisdom, and joy as you go through your days. I, too, pray for wisdom, gratitude, and joy this year.  That is probably why my New Year’s thoughts are somewhat different for 2015.  Rather than focusing directly on […]