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Review: Geography Songs

You know how, in secret societies, people recognize each other by a sign, a gesture, or a word?  Well, that’s how I used to feel about Geography Songs. You’d just have to start, “North A-MER-i-ca,” and any homeschooler nearby would join in, “South A-MER-i-ca!” That’s how we could tell who homeschooled. I haven’t heard much […]

Review: A Bunny, a Case and a World of Taste

This delightful and informative romp through the world, written by young Hayley Nevitt, is full of recipes from around the globe, collected during the travels of Serena, the word’s foremost food critic. Long-haired Serena’s mission is to find the best recipes from around the world to be used in the world-famous Nevitt restaurants that are […]

Review of George Alfred Henty: The Story of an Active Life

G. A. Henty is one of our children’s favorite authors.  He’s one of mine, too, for each of his exciting books portrays history from a Christian worldview.  I’ve always wondered, though, how one man could write so many historically accurate books. George Alfred Henty: The Story of an Active Life by George Mannville Fenn helps […]

Curriculum Choice Review: Seterra Geography Program

My kids can easily locate many countries, cities, and landforms on the map.  Part of this is because we like atlases and we look places up when we read about them.  The main reason, however, is that we like to play Seterra. Seterra is an addicting and highly educational geography program.  What’s more, it is […]

Review: Bobby’s Friends! by Phia van den Berg

Bobby and his siblings were full of excitement when they finally flew from their home country, the Netherlands, to Pakistan. Although they were used to adapting to different cultures because of their father’s flood control work, settling into Pakistan in the 1950’s proved to be a challenge.  Ten year old Bobby really struggled to understand […]