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Review: A Simpler Season by Jessica Fisher

As wonderful as the upcoming festive season is, no one will deny that it can be stressful.  Guests, food, parties, gifts, and activities often compete with what we really want to be celebrating.  And that’s a problem.  But it is possible to celebrate sanely, and Jessica Fisher, homeschooling mom of six, author, and blogger, helps […]

How to Pit Plums for Jam and Sauce

Well, there I stood, picking away at the mess in my colander.  I had boiled the plums as the recipe said, and then strained them through a colander to get the pits out, as the recipe had said.  The trouble was that a good deal of plum was left with the pits and it was […]

“Growing Great Garlic” in Our Garden

October 15.  That’s when a local grower plants garlic, so we did it today, too.  We’ve tried to grow garlic before, but it never really worked because we did not know anything about the process.  However, when we attended a garlic festival this summer and came face to face with $3 garlic bulbs, we were […]

One Rule for a Neat Home

After you’ve done a major house cleaning, things don’t have to fall apart immediately.  And they won’t if you follow one simple rule. All the home making experts and books, from Fly Lady and The Messies Manual to Confessions of an Organized Homemaker and Organized Simplicity say the same thing: Put things where they belong, […]

Review: That Works for Me! By Kristen Welch and Jennifer De Groot

For years I’ve been learning from and entering Works For Me Wednesday , an inspiring place to find all sorts of tips. But each week there are too many for me to go through them all. So Kristen, who hosts Works for Me Wednesday, and her friend Jennifer have organized over 800 of the best […]