Sometimes it happens. Your brilliant, super-capable teen is no longer learning, and you sense it is not merely an attitude problem. You begin to suspect something is seriously wrong…and you are probably right. In our many years of homeschooling we have come across this problem a few times, and this I have learned: When […]
life skills
Review: Take My Hand Again
Not only are our children growing older, but so are our parents. And, while the children are becoming more independent, the parents may be becoming more dependent. That is the way life works in our broken world. It’s not easy, this business of our parents growing older. It is difficult emotionally, of course. But there […]
A Missionary’s Prescription for Contentment
When we are in the midst of disturbing circumstances, contentment can be so difficult to find. During a lifetime of hard missionary work to pygmies in Africa, one woman wrote out her prescription for this virtue. These priceless notes were found by her daughter after her death, and were quoted in Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda […]
Review: Discovering the 5 Love Languages at School
You have probably heard about Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages and how they can transform relationships. This simple concept suggests that people give and feel love in 5 main ways or ‘languages’: words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts, touch. Once people understand the concept that some of these ‘languages’ will make an individual person […]