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Review: Help I’m Drowning by Sally Clarkson

When I was a young mom one of my best homeschooling guides was a book by Sally Clarkson and her husband Clay, Educating the Wholehearted Child.  It helped me so much over the past quarter century that I’ve had a soft spot for Sally ever since.  She has gone on to write books on many […]

Considering Passion and Career Choices

We homeschooling moms are our teens’ guidance counsellors.  I find that a bit nerve wracking, and I’m sure you do, too.  Helping our teens plan their future is so important but is so full of unknowns.  Now, there are some good, balanced resources out there (see my reviews below for a few of them).  There […]

Three Pandemics and the Great Physician

The mainstream media is giving us an endless stream of information about the pandemic caused by COVID-19—the number of cases, the number of deaths, what governments are doing, what is happening around the world, how individuals ought to behave, and the progress of vaccine research. The alternative media passionately exposes the pandemic of fear caused […]

Past Weston Lectures, A Springtime Treat for You

Every spring in downtown Ottawa a very special event takes place, the Weston Lecture.  These lectures are examples of top level scholarship from a Christian point of view.  Professors and scholars who love the Lord share their expertise on how Christianity impacts their disciplines.  Often it seems that a lifetime of thought is distilled in […]

Preparing for the Big Journey

Undeniably, some of us will lose loved ones in the next months. Perhaps some of us, ourselves, will die. Of course that has always been true, but we are paying more attention to it now. And the big question is, Are we ready? Are they ready? Some of us love the Lord. For us, now […]