Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

Happy Canada!


Yesterday evening, when Miss 17 was handing out Bibles, soup, and socks to homeless people, the streets suddenly overflowed with overjoyed Canadians, celebrating our country’s gold medal for hockey.


What a good game it was!  Truly, both teams were champions.


Annie Kate


PS We don’t normally watch sports, but the last few days have been special.



  1. Anonymous says:

    A friend and I were chuckling together at church last night about hockey. Neither of us "follows" it, and we agree that we can never tell when one team is close to scoring. The players zoom around vigorously and then suddenly (it seems to us) a puck is in the goal. We were disappointed, but happy for you Canadians. I think I'm right that Canada whacked the U.S. in women's hockey too. So a very successful Olympics for Canadian hockey! Not that the national issue is that important; it is fun seeing the athletes perform so well. We too rarely watch TV and sports but have the last couple of weeks.

    Now, back to normal life and no TV.

  2. jenn4him says:



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