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Fit Mommy: Working Within the Parameters God Gives Us


encouraging each other to care well for the bodies God has given us

by being active, eating wisely, and relaxing adequately

Last week my husband reminded me to prioritize exercise, and I was doing well until Tuesday afternoon.  Walking, doing my physio exercises, and even starting, very carefully, a Callanetics program with Miss 15—all were going beautifully.

And then something happened, but I don’t know what it was. The fatigue and extreme weakness felt like a gluten episode, but I don’t see how that would have been possible.  We had been out all day, and I had a very unbalanced (but gluten free) lunch of junk food, but that has never affected me like this before. On second thought, I’ve not really eaten like that before either.

In any case, whatever it was happened, and that was the end of exercising for the week.  By Wednesday afternoon I felt a bit better, by Thursday afternoon I was able to make supper energetically, and maybe today I’ll try to exercise again.

For those of you who have good health, thank the Lord for it and treasure it.  For those of us with health issues, well, it’s good to know that every day our loving God gives us what we need, and that we can work gratefully within those parameters.

So here’s how my goals went this week:

Record my fitness accomplishments each day… Yes.

Go for a daily walk and average 7500 steps a day … My pedometer was acting up, so most of the step totals are guesses:  7000, 7000,7500, 7500, 4000, 5000, for an estimated average of 6300 steps.

Do my physio exercises 5 or 6 days a week … Three times.

Do a tiny bit of the Callanetics maintenance program with Miss 15 five days a week… Three times.

Do 10 repetitions of my eye exercises 5 days a week, relax my eyes whenever I think of it, and smile at my work. …Yes, 3 times.

Avoid sugar five days a week … Almost.  Miss 15’s new gluten free white cake recipe makes amazing cup cakes, so I was sugar-free only 4 days.

Eat lots of vegetables, including fresh ones, and yoghurt, as well as one fermented or soaked food a week … Lots of fruit, a decent amount of vegetables, not enough yoghurt, and some soaked buckwheat.

Eat substantial breakfasts … Most days, yes. It makes a huge difference in our energy levels.

Relax daily…On Tuesday I didn’t, but after that I sure did!

Spend time outside… Not enough.  We’ve been airing out the house instead, and it sure helps.  Hopefully I will have the energy to be outside today!

Have fun with the kids, including active fun… We read aloud, laughed, puzzled, chatted, and Miss 15 and I exercised together.

Please link to your fitness post in the comments below. Then go visiting and be encouraged by the experiences of other Fit Mommies. If you write a blog post, please remember to link back here from your post so others can join in.

Note: Fit Mommy Friday is the Health and Fitness Check-In column of The Christian Home Carnival and is also linked to Encourage One Another Wednesday.


  1. Jenn says:

    Oh no! On the bright side, you were able to look for the lesson and share it with others in an encouraging way! I still think your daily step totals are good. You were not down long.

  2. Briana says:

    I’m sorry you had a setback. It sounds like you are recovering quickly and should be back to normal soon. All your hard work is paying off!


  3. Those are some great goals! I know I feel so much better when I avoid sugar, but then I have a bad day and feel like treating myself… and there goes the goal! You did great!

  4. JoAnn says:

    Oh, that is such a bummer. I’m glad you are feeling better now. That cake sounds yummy. She’ll have to share her recipe. 🙂

  5. Annie Kate says:

    Thanks for the encouragement, ladies! And, JoAnn, she’ll share her recipe on the gluten free blog…if it ever goes up.

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