Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

A Slow Week (Week 5)

rosa rugosa

This was a slow, sleepy week with lots of hot tea, vitamins, Kleenexes, and cough medicine. We learned a bit, harvested a bit, preserved a bit, read a lot, and rested a lot.

Formal Learning: I think the highlight was our election project, Voting Rules: Grade 10 Toolkit from the governments of Canada and Ontario. Although this was written for classroom use, it is easy to adapt to a kitchen table setting, gives rise to interesting discussions, and teaches important material clearly.

We also worked on math, Duolingo, music, logic, reading, science, and history. The girls were not well enough to do much judo. I’m exploring ways to incorporate more oral work and discussion into our homeschool because it seems to work well for us these days.


We did not get much done, objectively speaking, in terms of harvesting and preserving. But considering I’m a bit weak and wobbly these days, I’m thankful for what we did manage to do. The advantage of needing to take frequent breaks is, of course, the frequent breaks. It’s all good.

I did not write much for my blog, although I did finish a review of Metaxas’ life changing book 7 Women. This week my writing time was taken up by a handful of sensitive emails and a new Beth Moore Bible study.

I’ve also been listening to some of the speakers in Michael Hyatt’s free Influence and Impact Summit. Although the summit is also for those interested in making money online, my Google+ friend Cheri and I have been enjoying speakers more geared to making a difference. Cheri runs Creation Science for Kids, and I have just recently become aware of the potential impact of Canada’s upcoming assisted suicide legislation on mentally ill youth, so we both, obviously, want to find effective ways to increase our influence and impact.

I suggest Bob Goff’s talk if you want to be inspired to focus on the important things in life, and Lysa TerKeurst’s if you want to encourage and reach people. These talks are only up until October 13, though. (Disclosure: As always, I am not compensated in any way for recommending resources.)


I’m still reading The First Fossil Hunters, King Alfred’s English, How to Really Love Your Child, Joy at the End of the Tether, Tales of Ancient Egypt, and 1 Chronicles. And, to help me stay in bed when I need to rest, I started Leota’s Garden by Francine Rivers.

The girls are both enjoying Louis L’Amour’s exciting novels with their wholesome adventure and bits of American history.

Reading with the family:

The Secret of Willow Castle, Isaiah, and Acts.

Recommended Links:

As mentioned above: Michael Hyatt’s free Influence and Impact Summit.

And also: All of Bach’s joyful new recording of Lord Jesus Christ! Turn Toward Us (Herr Jesu Christ Dich Zu Uns Wend, BWV 655). English lyrics available.

If you want to see more carefully curated links, follow me on Google Plus.

This post is linked to Kris’s Weekly Wrap Up and Finishing Strong.



  1. I hope you are feeling stronger.
    There are so many difficult knock-ons from assisted suicide legislation: people with mental illness, older people who feel a burden, children with serious illness and so on, as well, as knock on effects for medical professionals. The recent UK bill was defeated which was an answer to prayer although doubtless, it will rear its head again sometime. The media coverage, here, tends to be biased towards cases which might encourage people towards assisted suicide. Hope that your listening encourages your hand to work for this righteous cause.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      The media coverage here is biased as well, but even in the middle of an election it is not considered a big deal here in Canada. So wonderful that the UK bill on this was defeated. We don’t hear much about UK legislation.

      Thank you for your encouragement! It has already made a difference.

  2. JoAnn says:

    It does sound like a slow week. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Thank you, JoAnn. I sat in the sunshine for over an hour yesterday, and it’s funny what a difference that made. God is so good to give us sunshine and a few more warm days!

  3. Aritha says:

    Zulke weken zijn er af en toe! Hier schijnt de zon niet en het is grijs.

    Hoe vindt jij Leota’s tuin? Ik heb hem net uit.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      So cool that you were reading it at the same time! I’m planning a review and also another article, because I’ve just realized that when you want to grab people, you need to use a story, not just bare facts. Are you planning to write about it?

      O, wat leuk dat jij hem net ook aan het lezen was! Ik ben van plan een recensie te schrijven, en ook een ander stukje, want ik leer nu pas dat als je mensen echt wil grijpen je een verhaal moet gebruiken, niet gewoon wat feiten. Ben jij van plan erover te schrijven?

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