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Weekly Wrap Up

Sinter Klaas could not make a the usual long visit on December 5, because Miss 17 is still away.  However, he did pop by to fill the shoes with goodies. (And, yes, we are still enjoying squash and pumpkins on a regular basis.)  


Goodies left behind by Sinter Klaas

 Even though we had appointments four days this week, the children have been progressing steadily in their schoolwork.  Technically we should be finished the trimester, although no one has completed the work yet.  

Mr. 15 has discovered the joy of talking to his computer.  I was amazed to find him dictating his report on Isaiah!  The computer obediently wrote it out.   That leaves me with a question:  Is it a good idea to leave the mechanics of writing to a computer?  I suppose it would help for oral narrations, but probably formal reports need to be done the traditional way. 


Kale, freezing in the garden

Miss 8 smugly announced that we could not start any week 13 work because I had not yet made the checklists?but now I have.  The first trimester?s lists are always a lot of work to prepare, but being able to cut and paste makes the job much easier for the second and third trimesters.  I?ve also streamlined the weekly checklists for the Little Misses.  So next week we start our second trimester.  That will be the last week before our Christmas break, though.  

Beehives, wrapped for winter

We did not do a Rideau Trail walk this week because our walking partner is enjoying the beaches of Hawaii.  Instead, we all roamed about close to home, taking individual walks.  That?s a good thing, too, because it?s so easy to forget what beauty there is close at hand.  I went walking with the three dogs and noticed a huge flock of wild turkeys.  The dogs, being shorter and upwind of the birds, did not notice them, and that?s a good thing for the birds. 

I?ve been busy reading Bonhoeffer, the new book by Eric Metaxas.  It?s the kind of book that fills your mind and that you think about in bed.  I highly recommend it, and will be posting a review very soon. 

We had a severe storm a few years ago that blew down these trees

This week Canadians were treated to an unexpected concert by our Prime Minister, Mr. Harper.  Although far from perfect, Mr. Harper has done a lot of good for our country, and we pray that he will continue to do so. You can watch his lighter side as he substitutes lively music for a political speech.

To see what other families have been up to, visit Canada Girl and Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Tina says:

    I loved seeing all the winter scapes! Why does Santa Clause come so early at your home? Whats the story of the boots instead of stockings? Do share some of your pumpkin and squash recipes!

  2. Annie Kate says:

    We’re Dutch, and SinterKlaas traditionally comes on December 5th. Actually, he and his white horse come on a boat from Spain! He’s a kind but distinguished old gentleman, a completely different character than Santa Claus.

    We like the pratice of separating the gift giving time from the celebration of Jesus’ birth, but this year we’re feeling our way, since my oldest daughter won’t be home until just before Christmas.

    I’ll be sharing pumpkin and squash recipes sometime. Mostly we do the simplest recipes possible, but they are always good.

    Annie Kate

  3. Jenn4him says:

    Oh, I just love the bee hives! I can imagine them all snug for the long winter! How much honey did you harvest this year? Looks like you’d get a ton of the golden sweet stuff. 🙂

  4. Annie Kate says:

    Actually, the behives were expanded this year, so the bees needed all the honey they could make to survive the winter. Hopefully next year we’ll have honey!

    Annie Kate

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