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Homeschool Highlights

Other Priorities

Several times over the past few months I tried to write a blog post and it just wouldn’t work.  For a long time I couldn’t figure out why and then it hit me:  I’ve been busy with other priorities. Here are some of them. When homeschooled teens take advanced courses, sometimes mom needs to scramble.  […]

Free Virtual Field Trips

For some of us, being at home is not a big deal—some of us even prefer it. If, however, you and your kids are used to being out and about, being at home can be a difficult thing to manage cheerfully. However you and your family react to the home-based life, a field trip is […]

Special Exhibitions in Ottawa, 2020

Over the years we have seen some amazing things at special exhibitions, from the Dead Sea Scrolls and one of the earliest copies of the Magna Charta to the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci and paintings by Van Gogh. However, we almost missed several of these special exhibitions because it’s hard to keep track of […]

Reading Aloud with Your Family

One of my favorite homeschooling activities over the years has been reading aloud to my kids, whatever their ages. Sometimes it seems as though reading aloud is just one more thing to do, but it actually saves homeschooling time and effort. It is certainly one of the most efficient and effective ways to learn. It […]

Butterflies at the Canadian Museum of Nature

We when walked into the butterfly exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Nature we were immediately surrounded by enormous blue butterflies.  They and others fluttered busily around and between us, fragile miracles heedless of danger.   Brilliantly colored, they were everywhere, feeding on fruit, resting on greenery or windowsills, terrifying babies with their enormous size […]