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Review: Art and the Bible by Francis Schaeffer

It is relatively easy to teach our children how to draw, make music, write poetry, or engage in any other creative venture.  There are many wonderful curricula, many great teachers, and an incredible wealth of examples. But it’s also important to teach them why we Christians make art and how to evaluate the art we […]

Field Trip: Van Gogh Up Close

One rainy day last week, we visited the Van Gogh Up Close exhibit at the National Gallery of Canada.   What a treat! Even though we have books with reproductions of Van Gogh’s paintings, and even though every single one of his works is available online, there is nothing like actually seeing the real paintings. We […]

Visit the Sistine Chapel Virtually

Without having seen the Sistine Chapel one can form no appreciable idea of what one man is capable of achieving. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1787 in Rome) Between 1508 and 1512, Michelangelo accomplished one of the most stunning works of art ever created: he painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling.  This astounding artistic and religious achievement has attracted people for […]

Review: Bound for Glory

Here’s a beautiful gift book that could be used in a homeschool as well.  Bound for Glory is a volume of expressive calligraphy and thoughtful reflections on African American spirituals.  Each of the 52 spirituals is allotted a colorful two-page spread. The calligraphy that Timothy R. Botts ‘stewed over’ for 8 years vividly expresses the […]

Curriculum Choice Review: Art with a Purpose

I love art and even considered making it my career.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on which child I’m talking to), I never seem to get around to teaching art as a hands-on, let’s-get-creative-and-make-a-mess activity.  I don’t know why; it’s just one of those things. So what do my children do for art?  Well, we do […]