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nature study

“Growing Great Garlic” in Our Garden

October 15.  That’s when a local grower plants garlic, so we did it today, too.  We’ve tried to grow garlic before, but it never really worked because we did not know anything about the process.  However, when we attended a garlic festival this summer and came face to face with $3 garlic bulbs, we were […]

The Fig Tree and the Raspberry Bush

Jesus told about an unproductive fig tree: …he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for […]

Our Museum

When you find something beautiful or interesting on your nature walks, what do you do with it?  We put it in our museum. We have cones, seed pods, dried ferns, and a shelf fungus (bottom center). The bird corner includes old nests as well as feathers.  We’ve discovered that blue jay feathers lose their blue […]

Nature Study

I’ve always wanted my children to do nature study. They spend a lot of time outside; are familiar with flowers, trees, and weeds; know about different kinds of butterflies and birds; watch clouds and even predict the weather; and notice all sorts of things in woods and streams. But it never seems like real nature […]

Homeschool Crew Review: Nature’s Friend and Study Guide

    If you love exploring God’s beautiful world and want to share this passion with your children, you’ve got to check this out.  Nature Friend is a colourful magazine whose goal is to help ‘families explore the wonders of God’s creation.’     This high-quality magazine, free of advertising, is full of lovely photos, engaging nature […]