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nature study

Online Science Articles by Margaret Helder

When I was growing up, our family regularly read science articles by Dr. Margaret Helder in Reformed Perspective, a Christian magazine we subscribed to (now online here).  I learned a lot then—facts and ideas as well as the basic concept that it was possible to be a Christian in science—and went on to become a […]

Nature in January

We live in one of the most beautiful spots in the world, yet in the past I often forgot to notice what God was doing outside.  That was both ungrateful and foolish. The tiny walks I now regularly take have been such a joy.  What a relief from the everyday busyness of algebra, cellular reproduction, […]

Watching the Sun Come Up

We are all busy with all sorts of important and meaningful activities.  I have been ill, unable to be busy in the usual ways, so one morning I watched the sun come up. It was amazing, much more amazing than the photos show. Colors glowing, slowly fading, and then shifting to echoes of themselves on […]

Noticing God’s World Around Us

So often we rush about our busy lives, not seeing the wonders God has created to help us know and praise him.  So often we are too busy, busy, busy to pay attention to God in either his Word or his world. A teacher friend of mine asked her students to take a fall photo […]

Why Study Science?

After reminding students that scientific laws are not infallible, Jay Wile, author of Exploring Creation with Biology defends the study of science this way: If science isn’t 100% reliable, why study it?  The answer to that question is quite simple.  There are many interesting facts and much useful information not contained in the Bible.  It […]