When I was growing up, our family regularly read science articles by Dr. Margaret Helder in Reformed Perspective, a Christian magazine we subscribed to (now online here). I learned a lot then—facts and ideas as well as the basic concept that it was possible to be a Christian in science—and went on to become a […]
nature study
Nature in January
We live in one of the most beautiful spots in the world, yet in the past I often forgot to notice what God was doing outside. That was both ungrateful and foolish. The tiny walks I now regularly take have been such a joy. What a relief from the everyday busyness of algebra, cellular reproduction, […]
Watching the Sun Come Up
We are all busy with all sorts of important and meaningful activities. I have been ill, unable to be busy in the usual ways, so one morning I watched the sun come up. It was amazing, much more amazing than the photos show. Colors glowing, slowly fading, and then shifting to echoes of themselves on […]
Why Study Science?
After reminding students that scientific laws are not infallible, Jay Wile, author of Exploring Creation with Biology defends the study of science this way: If science isn’t 100% reliable, why study it? The answer to that question is quite simple. There are many interesting facts and much useful information not contained in the Bible. It […]