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Ambleside Online

For almost twenty years I’ve been looking at, comparing, purchasing, and reviewing a wide variety of homeschool curricula.  In all those years, one option has always stood out, Ambleside Online. Ambleside Online is an incredible Charlotte Mason curriculum. Spanning all the grades with a few extra options for lighter years and catch up years, it […]

Review: Henry Hudson by Ronald Syme

What a moving biography Syme has written of the tragic explorer Henry Hudson!  This story for middle school children, the best I have read about Hudson, is unusual for this age range.  Very few children’s biographies attempt to present a person’s complex character in the way Syme did in this book.  For that reason, Henry […]

Review: Anselm of Canterbury by Simonetta Carr

Anselm, born just south of the Alps in 1033, was a studious lad who loved the Lord.  He wanted to become a monk, but his father had other plans for him.  Even when his youthful prayers to become ill were answered, the abbot refused to take him against his father’s wishes. Eventually Anselm left home, […]

Review: Cartier Finder of the St. Lawrence by Ronald Syme

Young Jacques Cartier, fishing the Grand Banks of Newfoundland with his father, was curious about the land he saw westward, but no one else was interested.  They just wanted to catch cod and go home. When Cartier grew up and became captain on his own ship, he no longer wanted to fish in the cold […]

Review: John Calvin by Simonetta Carr

Both admired and vilified, and arguably one of the greatest men in the history of Christianity, John Calvin comes to life in this beautiful biography for children. Calvin was born in northern France and studied hard from a young age.  He was able to attend the best schools in the country and read widely, also […]