Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

Our New Filing Cabinet


Today we had to go out, and since one of the thrift shops had a 50% off sale, we popped in.  There we found a two-drawer filing cabinet for $7.50!  Afterwards, we walked past similar filing cabinets in Walmart, and the girls were awed by their $53+ price tags. 


When we got home, I went through many messy binders and piles of papers and tucked them into that neat cabinet. I also collected a whole garbage bag full of useless and outdated papers.  Within a few hours the room went from being a discouraging mess to looking so pristine that I pop in once in a while just to enjoy the sight.    


Whoever first said, “Don’t pile it, file it,” was certainly right! 


Hopefully we’ll manage to do more decluttering tomorrow…but the kids are begging to go to a local second-hand book sale and that will have the opposite effect.


Wishing you all a happy and healthy weekend.


Annie Kate


  1. LarabaK says:

    I too love the results of decluttering, though it takes tremendous effort to actually do it. Piles of paper are a struggle, but I'm slowly learning to at least stick them in a basket or something so that they don't spread all over. Then I can go through them when I have a spare half hour.

    Have fun at the book sale. Books sales are DANGEROUS :-).

  2. proverbsmama says:

    Oh that is great! I love it when I find deals like that for things that will so helpful!

    I was working on some blogging entries to be used in the future. At the beginning of January, I will be lnking back to your post about the outside activities. I think the beginning of the year is the perfect time to discuss such things since so many people look at doing things differently at the beginning of a new year.

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