This was Remembrance Week. We finished reading aloud a book about the Nazi occupation in the Netherlands, wrote and drew about the past, and attended Remembrance Day ceremonies. At these ceremonies, I always think about my Dutch parents, freed by Canadian soldiers. I am intensely grateful to the veterans and those who suffered with them, as well as to our soldiers now. May God bless all who fight for peace, and bless us as we use it to His glory.

Our herb garden, desperately needing some work.
The children worked hard to finish up week 9 of our school year, but no one quite reached that goal. On the other hand, we did finish three read alouds: The Lonely Sentinel (exciting and very worthwhile, about the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands) by Piet Prins, Mountain Born by Elizabeth Yates (wonderful, thoughtful story of a sheep-keeping family in New England), and The Country Artist: A Story About Beatrix Potter by David R. Collins(an enjoyable biography for children with some worldview issues). Last week we finished The Magna Charta by James Daughtery, an honest but unexpectedly humorous tale of wicked King John that needed some impromptu editing.

The chickens love old garden produce.
We also spent most warm afternoons outside, cleaning up the yard and garden, including the compost pile. Mr. 15 and the Little Misses prepared shelter for the cold days ahead.

A warm fort.
And, of course, we walked the Rideau Trail.
To see what other families have been up to, visit Canada Girl and Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
That shelter doesn’t look real warm for cold days! 🙂
True, but it’s good for eating snacks in. 🙂
They even have a garbage can outside the door for any candy wrappers etc!
Annie Kate
Thanks for sharing your week and your wonderful photos. I think my sons would love to play in your fort!