In my life this week…We’ve been busy preparing for Sinter Klaas, the Dutch Santa Claus. His special day is this weekend. This family tradition works for us and has the advantage that our Christmas focusses on our Lord, not presents.
In our homeschool this week… The end of November means the end of NaNoWriMo. That was a great experience and I hope to tell you about it next week. Other than writing, our children kept busy planning for Sinter Klaas, shopping, embroidering, sewing, baking, and wrapping. And they even did some schoolwork as well.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… Lots of learning gets done when projects happen. There’s so much more to learning than textbooks…although textbooks certainly make homeschooling much, much easier.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Swimming, judo, jobs, library, stores, friends…and a beautiful dairy barn, airy, light, organized, and clean.
My favorite things this week were…
- Seeing the chidren finish NaNo.
- Watching them eagerly and secretly plan gifts for each other.
- Learning about murmuration from my friend Jacqueline at Deep Roots at Home. Do pop over to her blog and watch the amazing video!
Questions/thoughts I have…Commenting on my post What if You Could Do Anything for a Week, my friend Joanne pointed me to a very interesting article, Maybe Balance isn’t All it’s Cracked Up to Be.
Things I’m working on…Making, organizing, and wrapping gifts.
I’m reading…
Matthew, Organized Simplicity, and Blue Like Jazz. I was happy to ignore the other books on my pile: The Reason for God by Keller, Sense and Sensibility by Austin, Entreleadership by Ramsey, and 48 Days to the Work You Love, recommended by Dave Ramsey.
With the kids, I’m reading Proverbs, On the Banks of Plum Creek, and The Escape. We finished Secret Water by Arthur Ransome, and are taking a break from O Canada by Karla Akins.
I’m grateful for …
Too much to list, including warm clothing, clean water, and yoghurt.
Just one picture…
A Woodpecker's Work
This post is linked to The Homeschool Mother’s Journal and to Weekly Wrap Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Sounds like a good week. Thank you so much for the encouragement about clothing for walking. I do wonder sometimes if I need something new or not. But we get pretty cold here in the morning, I guess you guys do too. Something to think about, that’s for sure. Sorry I forgot to link up to you on my Fit Mommy post, I’ll make sure I get that fixed. I hope your weekend goes well.
We are going to put out shoes with carrots tomorrow.
Congratulations to the kids on finishing NaNo!