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Fit Mommy Check-In: Curvy and Slender Friends

encouraging each other

to care well

for the bodies God has given us

Welcome to the Health and Fitness Check-In column of The Christian Home Carnival, posted weekly. For encouragement and accountability, you can check in using the comments at the bottom of this post. Please feel free to join any time, and at whatever level of fitness and health you currently have.

Did you know that peer pressure seems to influence adolescent’s weight?  Well, perhaps adults also influence each other in the same way. 

My curvy friends discuss food, shrug off exercise, and talk about their extra pounds—and now that my celiac disease is under control, I’m becoming more curvy myself.

My slender friends, however, talk about everything else.  They get excited about active things they’re doing, don’t spend much time thinking about food (except what they will feed their kids), and avoid unhealthy foods.  And they exercise.  It’s built into their day, like a shower, and they do it.  Regularly.  Because it feels good and is important.  

I find my behavior mimics those I hang out with.  Now, I love my curvy friends, but perhaps I ought to become more like my slender friends.  They are healthier, much healthier.  And I want to be, too.

Who influences your fitness journey?

Here’s my health record for the week:

Record my fitness goals each day…I recorded my steps and activities.  Next week I’ll also be recording my exercises.

Do my eye exercises 3x a week …  Yes.  All 3x this morning, so that I could say I did them….  Sigh! That’s not supposed to be the way this works.

Go for a daily walk and take at least 6000 steps a day …I did a lot of walking, although not too many actual walks.  Instead I ran around the house, cleaned up some more of the garden, and played with the kids.  I’m very proud of this week’s steps: 8500, 6500, 4400, 5500 (and four swimming laps), 5500 (and biking), 6500.   Note the swimming laps!  And for the first time in a decade I rode a bike!

Do my physio exercises daily and slowly build up to the full program by November 30 … I started my physio exercises several times…but never finished them.  Like my curvy friends, I don’t have a specific exercise time.

Avoid sugar five days a week … Yes, until we made this amazing bean fudge.  We altered the recipe to make it more affordable, so our version contains sugar rather than stevia and butter rather than coconut oil. (OK, so I’m sharing recipes like a curvy friend.  Because I am. )

Eat lots of vegetables, including fresh ones, and yoghurt … Yes.  We’re enjoying the last pickings from the garden.  Did you know that lightly-cooked Brussels sprout leaves make good gluten-free burger wraps?  We always used to use romaine, but it’s expensive and full of pesticides. 

Relax daily…Not enough.  I might accept a whole box of review novels just so I will have to relax and read them….

Have fun with the kids, including active fun… We swam together, wandered the woods, and did the annual carrot harvest.  And we read aloud, laughed, and enjoyed life together.

How about you? Did you exercise, eat well, and relax happily this week? Let’s encourage each other to care well for the bodies God has given us. Please link up your health and fitness post in the comments below, and don`t forget to link back here from your post. Then enjoy visiting and encouraging other Fit Mommies just like you.


  1. […] never done one of these Fit Mommy Friday’s, though I have been reading them at Annie Kate’s every week. But since I had planned on writing a bit about my health, exercise and such, I figured I […]

  2. JoAnn says:

    Sounds like things are going great. That’s a lot of steps. Maybe I’ll get a pedometer that works and try that. I actually find that my skinny friends, that don’t have to think about being skinny, never talk about or work out a lot. They don’t want to ‘offend’ us curvy friends. 😉 I do find my more curvy friends do tend to talk more about it, and I guess I’m in between.

    I did do my first Fit Mommy Friday post http://wgcreates.com/josjourney/fit-mommy-friday/ . Not sure I followed your layout, but it was a fun post to do. 🙂

    1. Annie Kate says:

      I’m so glad you entered a post!

      I also used to think my skinny friends didn’t work out. Then I’d find out that they did 30 min or more on the treadmill everyday, or something like that…. They just don’t talk about it, like we don’t talk about brushing our teeth. LOL

      Annie Kate

  3. Briana says:

    You are so right about having a specific time to exercise each day. I have a stretch break right before lunch and almost always stretch. Now I need to figure out the right exercise time.


    1. Annie Kate says:

      Inspired by you we now have a fitness break at 10 AM. What a different it makes! Thanks so much!

      Annie Kate

  4. […] Columnist -Annie Kate presents Fit Mommy Check-In: Curvy and Slender Friends posted at Tea Time with Annie […]

  5. Laraba says:

    I’m slender, always have been, and pretty lousy about exercise. I don’t like most of it though I do enjoy walks. Trouble is, in summer I get bitten by bugs and in winter it is cold. My husband does his noble best to encourage me to exercise (by paying me) and I’m doing better. I do eat VERY carefully…as my husband says, I’m on a permanent diet as I’m diabetic and eating low carb. But I should exercise more. It seems like “life keeps happening” and has for 12 years with many pregnancies and newborns and chasing little people. I am certainly active, but consistent aerobic exercise would be so good for me…

    1. Annie Kate says:

      I wish I’d be paid for exercising! 🙂

      I had a diabetic friend who controlled her blood sugar by exercise. That might work for you. It is hard to exercise when you’re busy all the time, but so worthwhile.

      Annie Kate

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