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For Your Information

Concussion Supplements for your Child or Teen

When your child or teen has a concussion, is there anything you can do to help the healing process along? It turns out there is. We have had quite a few concussions in our family and, despite ER trips and doctors’ visits, we usually got no help besides the simple suggestion to rest and be […]

Screens and our Kids’ Mental Health, with Tips for Parents

We parents worry a bit about what screens may be doing to our kids but our worries are mostly about inappropriate videos, internet predators, and similar dangers and there are internet safety devices to take care of that.  As for the rest, most kids have screens at a young age and all teens are glued […]

Review: Total Recovery by Gary Kaplan

Chronic pain is common in our society, and so are depression, anxiety, and many autoimmune conditions.  Despite all the advances of medicine, there seem to be more and more people that modern medicine is not able to cure or even make comfortable.  It almost seems as though the current medical paradigm is faulty and a […]

Review: Busting Myths by Sarfati and Bates

Nowadays one regularly comes across the true statement, “Science is compatible with religion.”  Unfortunately it is often followed by the myth, “No reputable scientist believes in a literal six-day creation.” Busting Myths by Sarfati and Bates aims to refute this idea by presenting interviews with Ph.D. holders in various fields of science.  This book highlights […]

Comments Not Working–How to Connect with Me for Now

Dear friends, my comments have not been working for a few weeks, and I just want to tell you that I really miss your feedback and encouragement! Thank you Jenn for alerting me to the comment problem a while ago and to Jedidja for mentioning it again today. Unfortunately my hosting company has been having […]