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Screens and our Kids’ Mental Health, with Tips for Parents

We parents worry a bit about what screens may be doing to our kids but our worries are mostly about inappropriate videos, internet predators, and similar dangers and there are internet safety devices to take care of that.  As for the rest, most kids have screens at a young age and all teens are glued […]

Glow Kids, Screens, and Education

A few years ago, my dental hygienist enthusiastically told me that her children’s school was completely computer based and every kid had a laptop.  With my mouth wide open I couldn’t say anything, but I wouldn’t have known how to respond even if I had been able to talk.  After all, computer learning is everywhere […]

Harvest, Health, and Thanksgiving

We have been busy harvesting these weeks: raspberries, those delicious bits of goodness, as well as endless piles of tomatoes, a study full of apples, pails of sauerkraut fermenting on the counter, crispy fall salads, luscious melons, and so much more. Now that I have better balance, doing all these things is more possible.  We […]

Looking for Health: Balance

Very early one recent morning I took a little walk.  A fox bounded laboriously through the tall meadow grasses and I could hear the swish of each jump.  So did our dogs.  A fuzzy black and white caterpillar twisted its way through the lawn, and up above I heard the dry woosh of wings as […]

Zeal Without Burnout for Homeschoolers

At this time of year most homeschoolers are feeling a little bit burnt out.  That’s no wonder after an intense ten months of teaching some of the most important people in our lives some of the most important things they will ever learn.  Or perhaps vainly trying to teach them without actually succeeding, which is […]