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Review: The Mayo Clinic Guide to Pain Relief

People who go to the Mayo Clinic Pain Center are often at their wits’ end.  Nothing else has worked, they are in great pain, and their lives have narrowed down to focus mostly on pain and health issues.  Yet, with treatment, guidance, and pain management plans, many of them are able to feel better, reduce […]

Spicy Apple Salad

Now that it’s well into apple season, I have been looking for this recipe again. It is a surprising one, full of intense flavor and satisfying crunch, and rich in an unusual way.  My mouth waters at the memory and we will be eating it again soon.  Our apples are small and bumpy this year–that […]

Preventing Suicide

In the past short while three young people that I know have tried to commit suicide but they did not succeed. However, two of my husband’s former colleagues tried and did succeed, leaving devastation behind them. That brings me to this: Keep an eye on the people around you.  Listen, and actually hear.  Care about […]

Review: Explain Pain by Butler and Moseley

This is one of the most difficult books I’ve read recently, not so much because of its intellectual challenge but because I need to absorb and understand it at a deep level in order to support loved ones in pain. I have read it twice in the last two months while trying to apply its […]

Review: How to Live in Fear by Lance Hahn

We and our kids live in an age of anxiety.  Most of us know someone who lives in fear, and maybe we do so ourselves.  Much of the time the fear is mild but sometimes there are panic attacks, and sometimes seemingly endless stretches of unbearable terror.  As Christians, we need to be able to support […]