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Homeschool Tips

8+1 Reasons and 8 Tips for Attending your Homeschool Conference

Are you trying to decide whether or not to attend your local homeschooling conference?  Are you weighing the hassle against the benefits and not sure if it would be worth it? Let me tell you something.  Going will benefit you in at least 8 ways, and most likely you will be able to bless someone […]

Review: The Rainey List of Best Books for Children

Our family loves books.  By reading we learn about God, ourselves, and the world.  We learn wisdom:  how to live well in this world, and what ‘live’ and ‘well’ and ‘world’ mean.  We go places we could never go on our own and learn from other people’s hard work and hard-won experience.  And we have […]

Teaching Geography in the Homeschool

Over at the Curriculum Choice this week, some homeschooling moms are discussing how they teach geography in their homeschools.  Among other things, Heather, mom of 4 kids aged 12 and up, shares how her family combines Earth Science and Google Earth with geography.  She also presents a Narnian atlas as a free download.     Heidi, […]

33 Reminders for Homeschoolers

Because homeschooling is a marathon, not a sprint, we must emphasize the right things and minimize many others in order to be able to continue year after year in love, joy, and peace.  I’ve been homeschooling for over two decades and still forget so much so often!  So here’s a simple list of reminders for […]

Review: Phonics for Parents by Leslie Perry

When Phonics for Parents showed up in the mail, I was instantly captivated. How much it would have helped me when I was trying to teach my children to read! I relearned phonics alongside them, using the teacher’s guides of our reading program, but that is a very inefficient way to do things. With this […]