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Slowing Down

This has been a year of thinking fast, working fast, and reading fast…and even of feeling fast and praying fast.  Although the first three can be positive, the last two most certainly are not. Therefore, I’m slowing down this summer.  I’m not making a huge list of things for us to accomplish.  We’re having minimal […]

A Sweet Beginning to Summer Holidays

Last Friday, when our school year ended, it was time to celebrate the beginning of summer holidays. We had a special treat waiting in the fridge, our annual springtime cherry splurge, so I got that ready. Then the kids said that holidays are about cribbage, so they got the cards and the cribbage board out. And that’s how […]

When There is Too Much to Do

We garden and we homeschool, and sometimes the combination seems to be a bit too much.  This year I told my husband that we were not going to have a garden because it was impossible to combine with our homeschooling.  He gently disagreed and pointed out that gardening was good for me and the children. […]

Uh Oh! Bear Tracks!

In one of his wanderings through the fields near our home, Mr. 19 took this picture. We knew that bears come around every year or two, but I had never seen any tracks before! Our children are used to running around freely outside and in the woods, but we have had to add a few bear safety […]

Ascension Day

Today is Ascension Day and we focus on our Lord Jesus’ ascent into heaven.  With that comes a focus on his return also.  When and how will that happen?  We do not know.  But this we do know: This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same […]