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Floatin’ Down the River Again (AKA Homeschool Phys Ed)

  Last year we started a new tradition, floating down the river.  We’ve been looking forward to doing it again this year, although rather nervously.  After all, it is not a completely safe activity, but then, neither are skiing, biking, cooking, or driving.  But if you work as hard as my kids do, you need to […]

Review: Mindsight by Daniel Siegel

There’s something exciting and hopeful in the subtitle of Siegel’s book Mindsight:  The New Science of Personal Transformation.  Who doesn’t feel the need to be transformed?  (And yes, as a Christian, I believe true transformation is a gift from God, and will discuss that later.) Rather than the old forms of psychology in which a […]

March for Life 2012

Last week the children and I joined over 19,000 other Canadians in a March for Life.  Together, we—women, men, families, young adults—listened to prolife politicians and then walked peacefully through downtown Ottawa to show Canada’s politicians and people that the abortion debate is not closed as some would wish. The theme of this year’s event […]

Blogging Break

I’m tired, fighting that cold.  Although I am almost ready to share a few  reviews (the Wambu books, Mindsight), and several other posts–about homeschooling math, health, frugality, and life in general, each of these posts needs a few more thoughts, a few more tweaks.  And now’s not the time for that. Right now it’s time to […]

Miss 9’s Lemon Meringue Pie

  Miss 9 is, well, nine.  She can read.  And she’s adventurous. Today, when we came in from tramping in the woods she said, “Guess what I’m going to make?” I couldn’t guess. “Lemon meringue pie.”  She showed me the recipe, assured me that she would not be making a crust, that she know how […]